Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Virtual Assistants are Getting Crafty!

Working as a virtual assistant doesn't always mean we're updating spreadsheets, organising diaries, responding to emails and updating social media profiles.  Some of us have hidden creative talents that aren't always put to good use!

If, like me, you have an artistic personality and an eye for detail you may be interested to know that there are a lot of new and exciting apps being launched at the moment which you'll find invaluable as a virtual assistant and which may be of interest to a client. 

Business Cards

Unless you have money to spend, having business cards designed and printed professionally can really put a dent in a budget.  So why not design and print your own?  If you attend networking groups or business shows (as I am next week) you'll need a seemingly endless supply of cards to take with you and that can be expensive.  Similarly, if you work for an entrepreneur or someone who runs a microbusiness, why not suggest creating their business cards?  All you need is a decent printer and some really good quality paper with which to showcase your talents! 

Flyers, Banners and all things E-commerce

Christmas Invitation @ Virtuoso Assistant
Of course you don't have to stop at creating business cards.  Why not design some flyers advertising your own business to pin up on noticeboards, or suggest this to a client and offer to create them yourself? 

If your client works in e-Commerce you can create some really eye-catching banners which can be saved and uploaded onto social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. 


If you're lucky enough to work for a client who organises events or weddings, for example, why not sit down and explain exactly what you can do to help out by designing invitations, cards, menus etc, thus saving your client a tidy sum of money.  If you choose a good app with a selection of themes (pastel colours for baby announcements, monochrome and masculine for business lunches, or multi-coloured stripes for product launches) the colour schemes are carried through into each template under that particular theme and gives a very professional look to your creations. 


I think one of my favourite design apps at the moment is called "Canva", which has just launched the BETA version of its website but if you want to submit your email address they will contact you within a week or so and give you access to what they have launched thus far.

It's received some very positive reviews already because its graphics are simple, fun and easy to use.  Unlike many of their competitors they either offer free templates or if you wish to have a better selection you pay very little for the privilege.  Very refreshing.  Here's a little design I made earlier!

Nip over to their website and have a look: Canva

If you have any special occasions coming up please also get in touch with me, Nicky, using my email address: hello@virtuosoassistant.co.uk.  I will be able to provide you with a portfolio of my work.  


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