Sunday, 3 November 2013

Virtual Assistants are for Movember!

October is a month when there's an explosion of pink ribbons, women all over the UK get together for fundraising events and big brands produce limited edition goods, all in the name of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

November, on the other hand, is when we start seeing photos of impressive-looking moustaches on Facebook profiles, Twitter and Pinterest.  November, or "Movember" is the month to raise awareness of and raise money for male cancers, testicular and prostate cancer in particular.  The idea was started about nine years ago by a group of men who got together in a pub in Melbourne, Australia and, since then, the "Movember Foundation" as it's now called has raised about $446 million which is used to support fundraising events and research.  It's a fabulous idea and a fun way of raising money for something which, like breast cancer, is so pervasive today. I love infographics and here's a great one for you from called "Know your Mo"!

So ladies (and fellow virtual assistants), why not get involved yourselves this year and use your superior social media and organisational skills to encourage your significant other, your brother or your dad to register?  Just click on the link here to enrol them.    

Why not explain to a client how you could promote their company profile on social media sites by organising a work team and posting photos of the finished products!   Manage the fundraising page yourself and encourage donations, write an article on your client's Blog and then arrange a "Big Shave" party for the end of the month.  There's an incredible amount of support to be had once registered, including a mobile app for iPhones and Android users.  Take a leaf out of Richard Branson's book and combine business with humour; it works. 

So go onto the Movember website, get involved, raise some money and have some fun.  Click on the picture below for a bit of musical Movember motivation!


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