Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Law Firms: you need a Virtual Assistant!

Here's why I think law firms need to outsource to a Legal Virtual Assistant


After reading this please sit back and watch my fun presentation (it only takes a minute, literally!).

I used to be an office-based legal PA for 16 years, specialising in civil litigation such as personal injury, medical negligence, family and child law and, as such, I know exactly how much work there is to plough through every day.  It's never-ending, or so it seems.  I think I can count on one hand how many days in all of those 16 years I could safely say I had cleared my Inbox and had ticked everything off my To Do list.  I used to prioritise my work into three categories; "Extremely Urgent", "Urgent" and "Not-quite-so Urgent", leaving the other work to pile up as I simply didn't have time to deal with it. 

My experience led me to set up "Legal Virtuoso"; a specialised legal virtual assistant service which is aimed at barristers, solicitors and legal executives so that they can outsource standard document and correspondence production to us on an ad hoc basis in order to manage workloads.  It's so simple; set up a secure and confidential shared DropBox folder and share any documents and audio files you wish us to use.  Being experienced in civil litigation, we also understand the need for a quick turnaround of documents; we're happy to work outside core office hours in order to enable our clients to stick to strict  Court timetables.

So have a look at my presentation and then get in touch!

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