Saturday, 19 October 2013

Outsourcing Legal PA Work

Virtual Assistants aren't a new concept and have taken the US and Austalia by storm over the past 5 - 10 years.  So why haven't UK firms recognised the benefits of outsourcing administrative work?

Firstly, outsourcing to Virtual Assistants is highly cost-effective; you pay for the work that we do, usually on an hourly basis, so no paid lunch breaks, sickness and holiday cover, no equipment to provide and no binding employee contracts.

Secondly, confidentiality is no longer an issue as, over the past few years, there has been an explosion of software and apps which allow files and documents to be transferred securely from one person to another.  Here at Virtuoso Assistant we use DropBox or Hightail (formerly You Send It).  A folder will simply be shared and documents/audio files can be uploaded and accessed in seconds. It's that simple. 

Outsourcing to Law Firms

I have worked as a legal PA for 16 years for firms in Bristol and Reading and I know firms outsource to companies in India, for example. They're lovely people and are very hard-working; however, I've had to check files that have been returned with large gaps where the typist simply hasn't understood legal terminology.  Frankly, by the time I've gone through the document and amended it, I might as well have done it myself.  Result?  One frustrated PA.

We understand the Court process, the timetables and the need to prioritise certain documents and correspondence. We therefore work outside core office hours so your PA doesn't have to; she needs a break!

So, why not outsource those long legal attendance notes and statements to us?  We promise to return them quickly and without errors. Please take a look at "Legal Virtuoso" for further details of how we can help you and your PA reduce that typing backlog. 

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